When Granny Meets Grandpa
When Granny Meets Grandpa

When Granny Meets Grandpa (2021)

Original Title: “C'est quoi ce papy ?!“

Everyone's favorite fun-loving Granny Aurore goes overboard while partying and has a little accident! She loses her memory and gets put in a nursing home. When her grandkids hear her mention a mysterious man named "Gerry", they put all seven of their heads together to figure out who he is: Aurore's first and only true love who just might turn out to be their long-lost grandfather, too! Hoping to trigger old memories that could snap her out of her amnesia, they join forces to sneak Aurore out of the nursing home and set out into the wilderness on a mission to find the legendary "Grandpa Gerry". But the adventure turns out to be a lot more than they bargained for!

Source: TMDb

Original Language:
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How to watch When Granny Meets Grandpa from Canada


Currently, you can only stream When Granny Meets Grandpa on ICI TOU.TV in Canada.

Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent When Granny Meets Grandpa on any of the streaming services in Canada at the moment.

When Granny Meets Grandpa was released 3 years ago in 2021.

No, is not available on Netflix in Canada. But is available on these providers in Canada: ICI TOU.TV.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in Canada. But is available on these providers in Canada: ICI TOU.TV.


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