Tank 432
Tank 432

Tank 432 (2015)

Original Title: “Belly of the Bulldog“

With nowhere else to hide, a group of mercenaries and their prisoners take cover inside a long abandoned Bulldog tank. But, while they try to keep the forces outside at bay, the real enemy is already among them, locked inside the 'Belly of the Bulldog'. After collaborating closely with Ben Wheatley on FREE FIRE, HIGH-RISE, A FIELD IN ENGLAND and KILL LIST, director Nick Gillespie makes his feature debut.

Source: TMDb

1 hour 24 minutes
Not Rated
Original Language:
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How to watch Tank 432 from the United Kingdom

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Updated: 09/05/2024


Tank 432 is currently available on the following streaming services in the UK: Prime + Icon Film Channel and Prime Video.

You can buy or rent Tank 432 on the following streaming services in the UK: Rakuten, Google Play, Amazon and iTunes.

Tank 432 was released 9 years ago in 2015.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United Kingdom. But is available on these providers in the United Kingdom: Prime + Icon Film Channel and Prime Video.
Yes, is available on Amazon Prime Video in the United Kingdom.


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