Family in Hiding
Family in Hiding

Family in Hiding (2006)

Original Title: “Family in Hiding“

A woman witnesses the murder of a prosecutor by a criminal he is trying to convict. She informs the FBI, who then places her and her family in Witness Protection. And their lives are turned upside down. The agent tries to get the criminal but it seems he has someone in the FBI helping him. And when her daughter calls her boyfriend, it places her family in danger.

Source: TMDb

1 hour 30 minutes
1 nomination
Original Language:
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How to watch Family in Hiding from the United States

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Updated: 4/10/2024
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Updated: 4/10/2024


Unfortunately, Family in Hiding is not available in the the United States on any of the streaming services.

You can buy or rent Family in Hiding on the following streaming services in the the United States: iTunes, Vudu, Amazon and Google Play.

Family in Hiding was released 18 years ago in 2006.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United States.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in the United States.


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