In the Name of the Italian People
In the Name of the Italian People

In the Name of the Italian People (1971)

Original Title: “In nome del popolo italiano“

An obscure Italian magistrate suspects that a well-known industrialist commited murder, and decides to investigate him, and bring him to court, whatever it takes. But - will the magistrate have it in him to go against impossible odds, in the name of the Italian people he represents?

Source: TMDb

1 hour 43 minutes
Original Language:

How to watch In the Name of the Italian People from the United States


Unfortunately, In the Name of the Italian People is not available in the the United States on any of the streaming services.

Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent In the Name of the Italian People on any of the streaming services in the the United States at the moment.

In the Name of the Italian People was released 53 years ago in 1971.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United States.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in the United States.


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