Number 55

Number 55 (2014)

Original Title: “Broj 55“

In the autumn of 1991, a small group of Croatian soldiers go on patrol in an improvised armored vehicle. Soon after that they would get ambushed and their vehicle would get destroyed, in that situation they were forced to hide in a nearby house. Whilst stationed in that house they would get attacked by rebel Serbs, Serbian Special Forces and the JNA (Yugoslav People's Army, also reffered to as Yugoslavian National Army). Their resistance to the attackers would last 24 hours whilst their fellow combatants would attempt to try and get them out of there. The movie and story is based on true events which happened during the Croatian War of Independence.

Source: TMDb

1 hour 30 minutes
10 wins
Original Language:

How to watch Number 55 from the United States

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Updated: 4/12/2024


Unfortunately, Number 55 is not available in the the United States on any of the streaming services.

Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent Number 55 on any of the streaming services in the the United States at the moment.

Number 55 was released 10 years ago in 2014.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United States.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in the United States.


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