Derren Brown: Fear and Faith

Derren Brown: Fear and Faith (2012)

Original Title: “Derren Brown: Fear and Faith“

An extraordinary look at what happens when people have the experience of fear removed through the use of a powerful new drug. Derren examines the psychology of religious belief, performs a satanic rite and attempts to give an atheist a religious conversion.

Source: TMDb



Derren Brown: Fear and Faith: Miniseries
Derren Brown: Fear and Faith · Miniseries (2012)

How to watch Derren Brown: Fear and Faith from the United States

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Updated: 4/18/2024

Derren Brown: Fear and Faith: Miniseries

Derren Brown: Fear and Faith: Miniseries
Released: 2012
Episodes: 2


  • S01E01 / Part One
  • S01E02 / Part Two


Unfortunately, Derren Brown: Fear and Faith is not available in the the United States on any of the streaming services.

Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent Derren Brown: Fear and Faith on any of the streaming services in the the United States at the moment.

The first season of Derren Brown: Fear and Faith was released in 2012.

There is currently one season of Derren Brown: Fear and Faith, which was released in 2012.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United States.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in the United States.


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